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To all God’s beloved…who are called to be saints:

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

- Romans 1:7



Greetings! I don’t know what brings you to the St. Alban’s website today, but I am so glad you are here. I have a hunch God had something to do with it, because you have found your way to the website of a very special church.


St. Alban’s has been a beacon of Christ’s light in and around Davidson, North Carolina for decades. With God’s help, we are building on this legacy and continuing to try to live as disciples of Jesus and his Way of Love. Perhaps God is nudging you to join us in this mission?


We may live in a fragmented and confusing world, but here at St. Alban’s, we believe that God is ushering in a new kingdom, a kingdom where love wins. And we, as followers of this God, are called to help build this new kingdom. To guide us in this work, God’s own Son came down to be one of us and show us how it’s done. So we try to do what he did:


  • Love one another.

  • Break bread together.

  • Work for healing.

  • Forgive one another.

  • Spend less time judging people and more time serving them.

  • Pray a lot.


We’re human, so we don’t always get it exactly right, but we’re much more successful working together than when we try to do this discipleship stuff on our own. And it’s more fun that way too. We do like to have fun.


Together, we also proclaim Resurrection—the good news that Christ is risen, and the belief that death is not the end of our story.


If you are curious about any of this, I encourage you to join us for worship. Episcopal worship is rooted in the ancient and beautiful traditions of our faith. We aim for our worship that is reverent but not stuffy. We sing, pray, read and reflect on Scripture, and we share the sacrament of Eucharist, also known as Holy Communion. No matter who you are or where you find yourself on your spiritual journey, you are welcome at St. Alban’s. I hope it feels like home.


Warmly and faithfully,


The Rev. Carmen Germino





301 Caldwell Lane

Davidson, NC 28036





8:00 a.m. | Holy Eucharist, Rite II

10:30 a.m. | Holy Eucharist, Rite II (livestreamed)



9:00 a.m. Mondays & Wednesdays | Morning Prayer, Rite II (online)

9:15 a.m. Tuesdays & Thursdays | Morning Prayer, Rite II (in person)

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