During this season of Epiphany many of the scripture readings speak of ‘light’ as the manifestation of Christ as the Messiah is made known. We are to be the light of Christ in the world. It can be difficult to be that light when we become overcome by fear of the darkness that is in the world: hate, injustice, cruelty and the flood of misinformation that confuses us, just to name a few sources of that darkness. Many are led astray by lies that feed on our fears and insecurities. Yet, God still speaks, and he speaks the truth. And, he calls on us to speak that same truth in the face of those who would distort the teachings of the gospel of Christ to justify hate and injustice for any reason, but as is so often the case, for sheer greed. In learning to be bold enough to speak that truth, we must first listen to God speaking, through his word and through the Holy Spirit. As a church musician, I am reminded of this truth through songs as well. This Sunday, our Sequence Hymn will be “Open Your Ears, O Faithful People”, Hymn # 536 in The Hymnal 1982. Below is the text of the first two stanzas and the refrain of this hymn. May it remind us of the importance of listening for God to speak.
Open Your Ears, O Faithful People
Open your ears, O faithful people, open your ears and hear God’s word.
Open your hearts, O royal priesthood, God has come to you.
They who have ears to hear the message, they who have ears, then let them hear.
They who would learn the way of wisdom, let them hear God’s word.
Refrain: God has spoken to his people, Hallelujah!
And his words are words of wisdom, Hallelujah!
Words: © 1966, 1984 by Willard F. Jabusch