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`Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing? And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?’ ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these, you did it to me.’

– Matthew 25:37-40



Outreach ministries are a major priority at St. Alban's. We believe that when we welcome and serve our neighbors in need, we welcome and serve Christ himself. Jesus himself set an example for us of how to live, how to love, and how to serve. See below for a list of some of our most active outreach ministries-you are invited to join in!


If you would like to be part of the St. Alban’s Outreach Team which oversees all of our outreach ministries and contributions, please contact Mike Kingsley, by calling the front office. The Outreach Team supports our current ministries and events, and seeks to address the root causes of poverty through new initiatives. We strive to do good, and have a good time doing it!

Angel Tree

Each December, we partner with the La Escuelita Bilingual Preschool to provide Christmas gifts for their families.

Back2School Blast

St. Alban’s partners with other churches in the community for a major back-to-school support project for families that need help.  We collect money, backpacks, provide shoes through Samaritan’s Feet, and school supplies, and distribute them through a major event each August held at Gethsemane Baptist Church. 

Blanket Drive

Each winter, we collect blankets and other warm items for members of our community who may need them. We partner with local organizations to identify recipients and distribute the items.

Costa Rica Ministries

St. Alban’s folk played a key role in the development of the Hogar Escuela Heredia, which provides day care, pre-school, after-school care for children who would otherwise be on the street, and job training for their parents, who live in the slum of Guarari. Volunteer opportunities include mission trip participation (fun, fellowship and service), sponsorship of children at the Hogar Escuela, and helping with item sales to raise funds for the programs.

Epiphany Ministry

Epiphany is an ecumenical ministry for young people who are troubled and/or are in the custody of juvenile justice/correctional facilities. Twice per year, volunteers offer a three-day short course in Christianity with on-going follow-up to young men incarcerated at the Stonewall Jackson Youth Development Center in Concord.

Episcopal Student Fellowship

St. Alban’s parishioners take turns cooking a weekly meal for Davidson College students through the Episcopal Campus Ministry program.

Galilee Ministries of East Charlotte

Galilee serves the refugee, immigrant, and low-income community in the very diverse section of East Charlotte, and is located at 3601 Central Avenue. Ministries include English as a Second Language, Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry, Refugee Support Services, Catholic Charities Summer and After-School Programs, a Ministry of Hospitality, a Community Garden, and many other opportunities to assist.

Habitat for Humanity

St. Alban’s regularly supports Our Town’s Habitat with funding and volunteer labor. Recent projects include the Interfaith Build, as well as work on urgent repairs for several homes. All who can swing hammers, come on out!

La Escuelita Bilingual Preschool

LEBP is a bi-lingual preschool, using a specialized curriculum to teach English and prepare children for Kindergarten. Many of the students who attend LEBP come from primarily Spanish-speaking homes. LEBP has a 3-year old classroom and a 4-year-old classroom, which are located in the Ada Jenkins Center, 212 Gamble Street, Davidson. Volunteers are needed for classroom activities, fundraising, and events such as our annual Las Posadas in December. Website LINK.

Lake Norman Domestic Violence Coalition

LNDVC works with Safe Alliance to provide emergency support and shelter for victims of domestic violence and their children. Volunteer opportunities include helping deliver buddy packs, and planning fundraising events for this partnership.

Marion Medical Mission

Marion Medical Mission is an ecumenical, Christian, front-line, hands-on, volunteer, non-profit organization that responds to Christ’s call to serve by working on projects that directly impact the African people, stressing self-help and sustainability. MMM seeks to provide communities in need with a sustainable source of clean, safe drinking water through the installation of wells.


Volunteers from St. Alban’s help cook, serve, and clean up at FeedNC, a soup kitchen inMooresville, on the 3rd Friday of every month, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Sign up in the narthex.

North Mecklenburg Homelessness Task Force & Room in the Inn

Partnering with the Davidson Housing Coalition and other local churches and groups, the Task Force works to address both short-term and long-term housing needs in our community.

Red Wagon - Loaves & Fishes

The 1st Sunday of every month is Red Wagon Sunday, when food and cleaning and personal hygiene items are collected for the Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry at the Ada Jenkins Center. Bring non-perishable food items plus Windex, laundry detergent, paper towels, as cleaning and personal hygiene items are not covered by food stamps.

Rise Against Hunger

St. Alban’s hosts a Rise Against Hunger meal packing event every year, usually in the spring. Through this international organization, we are able to provide thousands of meals to hungry families around the world each year. Opportunities include promotion, set-up and clean-up, and of course the fun of packing the meals with your neighbors!

Thanksgiving Turkey Drive

The annual Thanksgiving Turkey Drive helps provide holiday meal ingredients to families in need in Davidson and Cornelius. Volunteer opportunities include bringing food gift cards for turkeys or hams, donating other food items, and helping sort and package donations.





301 Caldwell Lane

Davidson, NC 28036





8:00 a.m. | Holy Eucharist, Rite II

10:30 a.m. | Holy Eucharist, Rite II (livestreamed)



9:00 a.m. Mondays & Wednesdays | Morning Prayer, Rite II (online)

9:15 a.m. Tuesdays & Thursdays | Morning Prayer, Rite II (in person)

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