8:00 a.m. | Holy Eucharist, Rite II
10:30 a.m. | Holy Eucharist Rite II, livestreamed
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and the prayers.
- Acts 2:42
Beginning in 5th grade, youth are invited to serve in worship as torch-bearers, crucifers, and in other liturgical ways. Acolyte ministry is a special and meaningful part of our worship tradition.
Altar Guild
The duty of the altar guild is to prepare all the things necessary for the celebration of the Eucharist or any of the other sacraments and offices of the church. The guild members care for the sacred vessels, the bread and the wine, linens, hangings, and the candles and torches used for worship in the Sanctuary. The members serve on teams, with each team serving approximately once a month.
Children's Choir
The Children’s Choir rehearses weekly on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. and sings/plays handbells in church periodically. The goals are to learn some music fundamentals, to build confidence, and to have fun, while also cultivating a love of singing and music in our youngest parishioners. All children are invited to participate, regardless of age.
Coffee Hour Hosts
We love to enjoy fellowship and food together! Coffee Hour hosts prepare tasty refreshments to be enjoyed by all following the 10:30 a.m. worship service.
Flower Guild
The Flower Guild helps to bring the beauty of God’s world to our worship at St. Alban’s. Members provide and arrange flowers or greenery in our nave and other parts of our worship space.
Greeters & Newcomers
Offering hospitality and kindness to all who come through our doors is a crucial ministry. Greeters serve on Sunday mornings before our 10:30 a.m. service, making sure everyone who comes to St. Alban’s feels welcomed. This group also hosts periodic social events for newcomers.
Lay Eucharistic Minsiters
Lay Eucharistic Ministers serve as chalice bearers during Holy Eucharist. They also serve as crucifer at the 8:00 a.m. worship service. LEMs also occasionally provide in-home communion to those parishioners who are unable to attend church.
Lectors read the Old Testament and Epistle scripture lessons appointed for the day’s worship, and lead the congregation in reciting the Psalm and the Prayers of the People.
Parish Choir
The Parish Choir helps lead the people’s worship of God and makes musical offerings during the liturgy. If you love to sing and have a teachable spirit, you are very welcome to join!
Stream Team
These volunteers help to make our worship available via YouTube. Training is offered and no prior knowledge of livestreaming is needed.
Ushers welcome worshipers with bulletins, answer questions, help guide people during our worship services, and take up the offering.